Friday, October 24, 2008

Black & White & Beautiful

Anyone who thinks you need fancy backgrounds or elaborate props for a child's portrait is missing the most beautiful element of all -- your child's face. Bonnie Boone had me come to her home in Jackson and sent each of her children outside with me alone on a gorgeous fall afternoon. I walked and talked and shot photos of Laurel, Emma Wood and Jimmy trying to capture their different moods and expressions in their favorite spot -- their own yard. I was so pleased with I got. It helps me remember that each day is a gift and each split second that it takes to create a photograph of a child is one that won't be repeated. These three children will not look the same next year, possibly not next month, and their parents now have that beautiful fall day and their three beautiful children captured forever. Forget about putting the fake Christmas tree in the background or buying the hundred dollar outfit. It's all in the face!!

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