A question that I get asked a lot is "When should I get a photo taken?" Sometimes it's new parents who are considering how frequently to take their baby's photo and sometimes it's simply a question of when to update a family portrait. The answer I can't help but give is "NOW is the best time to take a photo!" I'm not trying to drum up business and I'll try not to preach, but I've got my reasons for saying this.
The first goes back to the new baby. For heavens sake, buy a good camera and use it! Children change so much in the first few days, months and years and you need to be ready to capture these moments. The cost of a good camera can not outweigh the joy you will have in years to come from the photos in your hand. Practice with your camera, set the date on it correctly, save and store your photos, negatives or files carefully so the next generation will not lose them or will not know how to identify them. Invest, when you are able, in professional portraits of your child and family as well. They will be cherished heirlooms.
Family portraits are a different animal. I often say that no one over the age of six actually LIKES to have their photo taken. We are all too much aware of what we see as our own flaws in photos. But really . . . GET OVER IT!! You can always look at yourself in the mirror and think you need to lose a few pounds, get your hair cut or buy some great new clothes for a family portrait session. I believe we need to think more clearly that future generations of our family -- 50 or more years down the road -- are going to cherish the photo and will not look at it and say "Gosh, grandpa sure did have wrinkles around his eyes" or "What were they thinking not having matching outfits."
I'm not saying you need to get a new family portrait as often as you need to get your new baby photographed. But, please don't put it off or wait too long because life comes in and can change your life in the blink of an eye. I would write a blank check right now if I had a photo of my parents, my brother and I taken of us as adults. We certainly could have done it but just didn't. We all think we've got all the time in the world. I photographed a wedding with my father and brother in February, 2001 like I had done hundreds of times before. By February, 2002, both these men were gone from my life. I have never seen a photo of my husband with his parents and his brother. His family just didn't take family portraits and his only brother died in a car accident when he was 25 years old. I can say, without even asking him, that he would LOVE to have a portrait of all of them together.
So . . . no matter who clicks the shutter, grab your kids, grab your family, hold your chins up high and SMILE!! CLICK!!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Friday, November 2, 2012
I LOVE the C.V.F.D. ... and so should you!
This has been a week to think about first responders. We've all seen the images on television of Hurricane Sandy's destruction and were probably inwardly thankful that, this time, it wasn't our little corner of the world in the headlines. We've seen what vitally important work has been performed by those fire, police and rescue professionals and volunteers who put themselves in harm's way to help their neighbors. I needed to bring my thoughts to a more personal level and tell why I love the Conway Volunteer Fire Department!
We are so lucky to live in a community where we take care of each other. I wanted to take a minute to thank the men and women who volunteer their time, energy and efforts on behalf of the Conway Volunteer Fire Department. I'm afraid they are a vital community resource that we don't fully appreciate until we need them and then . . . there they are, willing to help us out. One of my earliest childhood memories is being awakened frantically in the middle of the night to a blaze outside the window of our house. The building we now call "the old darkroom" that my father first built to house part of his growing photography business had been burglarized and then set on fire to cover the crime. That building still stands and is used today thanks to the efforts of our local heroes. And, I very clearly remember the afternoon in the summer of 1996 when an electrical fire sparked by equipment in the darkroom of the studio started a very serious fire in the building I'm now sitting in. I was amazed at the rapid response of our local fire department and feel blessed that they were once again there when we needed them.
I hope we are still teaching our children in school about how important these brave, committed, generous men are to our community. My first school field trip in the first grade was to the Conway Fire Department. We were all so proud to be sitting up on the truck so our teacher must have done an excellent job of preparing us for the trip. I also know by the number of my clients who bring their children for photos in fireman's gear how proud they are of the firemen in their lives.
Some of these thoughts came up because tomorrow night, November 3, is the annual dinner and auction at the fire house in Conway. I'd like to encourage everyone to show their support. You'll have a good time, eat a good meal, see friends you haven't seen in a long time and you'll have a chance to show your appreciation to these dedicated men and the women's auxiliary. I hope I get to see you there!
I hope we are still teaching our children in school about how important these brave, committed, generous men are to our community. My first school field trip in the first grade was to the Conway Fire Department. We were all so proud to be sitting up on the truck so our teacher must have done an excellent job of preparing us for the trip. I also know by the number of my clients who bring their children for photos in fireman's gear how proud they are of the firemen in their lives.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I thought I was in a science fiction movie . . .
We had a great time taking Jessie Storey's bridal portraits back in July at the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo. We had a few bug issues at the gardens and were scratching our bites a bit but Jessie, her mom, her sister and I were going to finish up taking photos down on the waterfront in historic Manteo. Always something fun to do in the summer, by the way, because you've got to wade through all the tourists especially the Northerners who do not understand what bridal portraits are and who assumed that Jessie had just gotten married and had already ditched her groom.
We worked our way out to the dock and I was snapping away while Jessie looked lovely and tried not to sweat (95 degrees and easily 90% humidity). Suddenly, out on the water this "creature" sort of rose straight up out of the water and hovered, churning up waves and making a whole lot of noise. I had visions of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and those bad sci-fi movies of my childhood. I don't know what these contraptions are actually called but it looked like a whole lot of fun to me on a hot day. The man attached to this sea creature saw us and realized we were taking photos. Rather than getting out of the way, he seemed pretty intent on being sure he was IN the photos. He hovered, he posed, he smiled. He did everything except don a tux and offer to be the groom. As you can see, Jessie couldn't help but laugh.
He finally got tired of entertaining us and headed back to sea. I'm sure he would have come back for the wedding if invited.
We worked our way out to the dock and I was snapping away while Jessie looked lovely and tried not to sweat (95 degrees and easily 90% humidity). Suddenly, out on the water this "creature" sort of rose straight up out of the water and hovered, churning up waves and making a whole lot of noise. I had visions of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and those bad sci-fi movies of my childhood. I don't know what these contraptions are actually called but it looked like a whole lot of fun to me on a hot day. The man attached to this sea creature saw us and realized we were taking photos. Rather than getting out of the way, he seemed pretty intent on being sure he was IN the photos. He hovered, he posed, he smiled. He did everything except don a tux and offer to be the groom. As you can see, Jessie couldn't help but laugh.
He finally got tired of entertaining us and headed back to sea. I'm sure he would have come back for the wedding if invited.
Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012
White Way Cafe

I was looking through a ledger from the 1950s and found a notation that said "White Way Cafe." I was intrigued because this sounded like it should have been the place to be. I scanned the four old negatives in the envelope and, indeed, this does look like it was quite the hangout. I asked Peggy if she knew the White Way and she did. She told me it was in Boykins but that she had never been inside. Her memory was that it was a place your "date" might go in to for cigarettes or refreshments but that girls in her group didn't think it was quite proper.
I hope there are some more folks out there of a certain age who will share their memories of the White Way Cafe. I could actually go for one of those 10 cent cherry cokes right about now.
Sunday, February 26, 2012

"My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue . . ."
You may have clicked on the title of this blog post out of curiosity but, if you can sing along with the opening line above, I can identify you as a teenager from the 1970s -- like me. Carole King's album "Tapestry" permeated my teen years and I'm fairly certain today that I could put it on and know every lyric and take every breath with Carole. I believe that all of us who came of age "post-Elvis" have songs or albums (yes, I'm old and say "albums" rather than "CDs") that rocket us back to a place in our personal histories. And, isn't that just the greatest way to remember and look back though periods of your life -- through music?
"Tapestry" was MY album all through high school. I KNEW Carole King wrote those songs just for me. Of course, I ended up at Meredith College where every other 18-year old girl brought her copy of the album but it was till MINE. I love that, even today, I can hear songs from certain albums and immediately go back in my mind to the campus at Meredith. Back when I was a student, we hadn't heard anything about sunscreen or skin cancer so many of the girls waited for the first sign of spring and the first rays of sun so they could start on their summer tans. The four oldest dorms surrounded a quad where bathing suit-clad girls would sizzle like rotisserie chicken as soon as the weather allowed. And, since the dorms were not air conditioned and the windows were always open, we would put our stereo speakers in the dorm windows and blast the music out so it could be enjoyed while we baked. I can tell you the years that certain albums were released because I can remember walking back to the dorm hearing them playing. Freshman year was the Beach Boys "Endless Summer", sophomore year was Boz Scagg's "Silk Degrees", and my junior/senior year was "Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac.
I needed to ramble and talk about music for a few minutes because I was thrown back in the past by a phone call I had from a woman near Ahoskie who wanted me to come to her house and take a photo of a "tapestry." I was intrigued, of course, and delighted to drive over and find this wall-size hanging of needlepoint panels that this woman's aunt had done of their family history. It was being passed down in the family from the Ahoskie home where it had lived for many years to another member of the family many states away and my photo was to be a remembrance for its current owner. The historian, the photographer, the "needlepointer" and the Carole King fan in me all combined to make this a completely enjoyable job. By the way, I have a take a moment here to savor another wonderful memory. I learned to needlepoint when I was about 12 years old at Camp Rainbow in the NC mountains and coincidentally my teacher/counselor was the talented Cheryl Martin from Conway.
So, the tapestry has traveled from his old home to its new one and the photos I took remain in Ahoskie. It also comes to mind what is always wonderful about being a photographer in a small town. You can specialize if you're a photographer in a city somewhere. You can choose to do only weddings or babies or fashion or commercial. In a rural area and around the small towns of NC and VA where I work, it's a surprise every week to see what calls I'll get. Some weeks I may have lots of babies or brides to photograph or it may be a week of framing and matting followed by a wedding or a commercial shoot. It keeps me on my toes and I like it that way. Because, you see . . .
"My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue . . ."
Saturday, February 18, 2012
For the Long Haul

You've all heard me go on and on (probably too much) about history and how seriously I take the fact that I'm preserving a family's history when I photograph them. I take it as an equally serious responsibility to preserve the photographs that we've taken here at Conway Photo as carefully as I can. I was reminded of this responsibility this week when one of my customers picked up a photo she had ordered from a sitting that had been done several years ago. This lady told me that her son didn't think it would be possible to replace this missing photo because surely we didn't keep our negatives and files that long. She told him that she knew Mr. Hedspeth and she knew better and, sure enough, we replaced her photo. In fact, this week alone I've had photos printed from negatives from a wedding in 1989 as well as this photo of Murfreesboro Baptist Church that was taken in 1991. You can tell a little about the age of this photo by just driving by the church now and seeing how the crepe myrtle trees have grown.
I felt like writing about this simply to say that it is important to me and everyone who has ever worked here to safeguard your past. We have negatives files back to 1947 and I've kept triple backups of all digital files since I switched to digital several years ago. I'm also devoting a great degree of serious consideration to what will happen to these hundreds of thousands of negatives and files when I one day close my doors. I'm not ready by any means to retire yet but I want to plan ahead for that event because I want to find some way to make this treasure trove of local history available to my customers who might want them. Figuring out how to do this is in my 10 year plan right now.
All this being said, I hope you'll let my inner, lecturing schoolteacher come out and share a lesson here. Whether your old negatives and digital files are with a photographer somewhere or in your home, pay attention to how they are being safeguarded. You never know what you or future generations in your family will want from them. We try to be careful here and (knock wood) have survived two fires in the studio through the years and have lost very few negatives. And, if you take lots of photos yourself as many of you do now, do two things for me. Store your negatives carefully and, if you are digital -- BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP your files and store at least one copy of your backup files somewhere else. And, for the sake of future generations who will be faced with a cardboard box of photos and have no idea who that bald baby is in the photo, write on the back of the photo a name and year to identify it.
Sorry for the sermon. I know everyone takes their own job seriously and has a cautionary tale and this is mine.
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